Helpful Introductory Guides
Artificial Intelligence
What is Artificial Intelligence?
Machine learning
Data science
What is the difference between data mining, statistics, machine learning and AI?
Recommended Resources
statistics and data science
W3 Schools Data Science Tutorial - Introductory crash course in data science.
StatQuest with Josh Starmer - Awesome YouTube channel with easy to understand explanations of fundamental statistics and data science concepts.
Python Data Science Handbook - Guide to using Python for data science.
R For Data Science - Guide to using R for data science.
machine learning
Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow - In-depth introduction to machine learning and how to utilize it with Python. Also available online via the Honnold-Mudd library.
3Blue1Brown Neural Networks - An excellent video series providing the basic theory and math behind how neural networks work.
Practical Deep Learning For Coders - Learn how to implement neural networks in practice with PyTorch.
W3 Schools SQL Tutorial - Crash course in SQL.
Interview prep
Ace the Data Science Interview - Crack the Coding Interview for data scientists.
Data Science Ethics - Introduces principles of professional ethics for data scientists.
The Great Hack - A 2019 Netflix documentary on the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal.
The Social Dilemma - A 2020 Netflix documentary that highlights how social media has been specifically designed by tech companies to be addictive.
Weapons of Math Destruction - A 2017 book that discusses how big data systems are reinforcing societal discrimination.
How to Read Research Papers - AI is constantly improving and new findings are published frequently. As such, AI professionals spend a significant chunk of their time reading papers.